Saturday, May 3, 2014

Hamster At Large

Y'all better keep your kids and animals in the house, there's a medium-sized rodent at large in my apartment complex. 

Yeah, I can't make this shit up. 

It's about 8:45am, and Leo and I are out for his morning walk. Our building happens to be next to the kids playground area, and there are a few little kids playing. Leo and I walk to his favorite spot on the grass (less than a week and he has a favorite spot already). I noticed that someone's apartment door was propped open, and a couple of the kids (they were all about 5-7 years old) were running back and forth in and out of it. Pretty normal. Not to mention that the weather was beautiful and felt amazing. As soon as we got back I opened all of our windows!

Leo and I make our way back around the complex and are passing the playground area again when a man steps out of the opened apartment yelling at, who I'm assuming was, his daughter. 

Angry Dad:"GRACE! Where is the hamster?!"
(Who I'm assuming was Grace): "He's in his cage!"
Angry Dad: "No he's not! Grace get over here!" response, just more monkey bars... "GRACE I'M NOT JOKING! GET OVER HERE! WHERE IS THE HAMSTER!?"
Grace: "I dunno I guess he got out!"
Angry Dad: "GRACE. The door is open and he's not in his cage! You better start looking for him because I am NOT getting you another one!"

I wasn't sure if at this point Leo was jumping with excitement because we were next to the playground and he adores little kids, or because he heard that a little furry friend he could chase was now on the loose. Probably the former, but this dog is quite surprising. 

We're still near the playground, and Grace yells over to me, "Hey miss! Can I pet your dog?" I said absolutely, just be careful around his leg. Grace walks over, squats down to pet Leo, doesn't take her eyes off of him for a second, and nonchalantly says, "So my hamster escaped his cage and is probably lost now. If you see him could you please make sure your dog doesn't eat him? Thanks!" ...and immediately took off back toward the oversized plastic slide. 

Oh goodness. Now not only are we on the lookout for cats letting themselves into our house under our feet when we open the door (they actually do just bolt in out of nowhere), but now we get to keep an eye out for a loose hamster.

So strange, but I love kids. They're so entertaining. It's fun to think that I was that entertaining at one point!

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