Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Parking lot phenomenon

There is always that place you go frequently and have to park. Most people call it work, in my case it's the outskirts of hell. Disclaimer: this will probably sound racist, however it is kist a blunt observation of my experience this morning and nothing more. 

I dropped off Leo at puppy daycare this morning (read: my parents' house because the poor pup has severe separation anxiety and freaks the shit out whenever I leave). I'm already running a little late and remember I have to get gas (I reay love my car because it not only tells me how shitty I'm driving and that my mileage efficiency is dropping, but it also reminds me that I need an oil change soon. Yay for spending money on cars!) I gas up, head over the bridge, and off to Dante's Inferno to make that paycheck! 

Upon arriving, and singing some Civil Wars, I back into a space near the middle of a row, with one car on my passenger side. I sat there for a minute, shamelessly taking a selfie (behind my pink leopard window shades) to get BC's opinion of my new hair style. Update: this hair color is a keeper. Reluctantly, I turned off my engine, open my door, and hop out. It was taking me a minute to get myself and my belongings together (purse, lunch bag, coffee, more coffee) when this Asian lady comes speeding down the aisle. 

Let me be very clear when I say that the row I was parked in was very open. It was before 6am, there were quite literally about sixty empty spaces around me. This beehive comes speed racing down this row, and starts to turn into the space directly next to me... While my door I OPEN and I'm standing there getting my stuff out of the car. Mrs Jeff Gordon slams on her brakes, and proceeds to wave her hands around frantically. 

Ohhhhh, NO. If you want THIS spot, you can wait two minutes for me to move instead of plowing me down, otherwise suck it up and move six feet over to the next space, crazy.  Instead of yelling this at her like I was in my mind, I smile and wave back, yelling, "Good morning!" 

Asian Lady was not happy with this. Because I'm what I consider a sweet girl, I closed my door a bit so this psycho could park in the space next to me. She takes up that opportunity very quickly and zips into the space, proceeding to scrape the curb with her bumper. NICE. 

I decided the best course of action for me was to get the hell away from this crazy as fast as I could. 

...and then I hear the click-clack slaps of undersized six inch heels behind me... And I received the dirtiest look I've seen in a while from this broad. 

I think people forget to be courteous because these aren't strangers here, these are coworkers. 

Look out for the crazies, everyone!

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