Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Internet Radio

Sunday, March 23, 2014

... Let's just say I'm very thankful that internet radio was created. Otherwise, I'd be stuck typing at a computer for ten hours a day with the same songs on shuffle. We don't get regular radio reception here, so I'm always dependent on whatever music I can get with my phone.

This morning, I discovered a station called "Songs to Sing in the Shower". The alliteration was a little too much for me to say out loud this morning before the Excedrin kicked in, but it sparked my interest nonetheless. I turned it on, and was given the following songs...

Wannabe /Spice Girls
To Be With You /Mr Big
Not Ready to Make Nice /Dixie Chicks
Firework /Katy Perry
I Want it That Way /Backstreet Boys
Don't Stop Believing /Journey
Save Tonight /Eagle-Eye Cherry

If you sang all of these titles in your head while reading them, you, like me, are most likely a 90s child / 80s baby. Yep. 

I decided to entertain a certain someone with my singing this morning, and send texts of me singing the songs to him. Apparently I got way too excited, because after I hit send, I immediately made myself laugh with how dorky I am... And fell out of my chair... Backwards... And hit the floor.  

This stuff can't be scripted.

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