Monday, April 28, 2014

Natural Calm powder...

... Is not something you should bring to work in a plastic snack bag... Unless you want to get judgmental stares and frantic calls to security. 

If you've never seen or used magnesium powder... It's white powder. Yeah, it looks like coke. However, if you want to shock some people and be entertained for a minute, spill some on the table and proceed to try to scrape it in a little pile to clean up. Chances are (for me at least) it will end up in a line and your boss will walk around the corner to your desk. 


Incredibly grateful that my boss has a great sense of humor. I guess it probably didn't help that I was giggling like a child about the fact that it looked like I had a line of coke ready to go on my desk on government property. It was magnesium! I've never done drugs. Scouts honor. 

Lesson learned: bring pre-mixed magnesium lemonade to work. 

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